Impact from Passionate Growth Engineers.

Discover | Learn | Meet | Share | Connect | Engage | Collaborate | Create | Inspire |  Mobilize | Impact

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(future) Consultants, freelance, project owners, managers, team leaders, trainers, intrapreneurs, solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, inventors...

Your deepest fulfilment and true leadership will be found in a passionate pursuit of your impact. You became a growth engineer the moment you engaged in this endeavour. This is the only purpose that matters.
Sebastien Requier


We foresee an era in which Growth Engineers will be key in navigating significant challenges, building sustainable and resilient solutions amidst economic, societal and technological shifts.

XPLORERS® is therefore committed to catalyzing their impact, nurturing a purposeful community:

We provide them with a space to grow a core circle of peer-minded individuals, who will share Connections and Learning Resources to grow their passion - all while ensuring web privacy.

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Grow Authentic Connections

Invest in relationships that matter, with peer-minded individuals, fostering a community where sharing and growing is the norm, whether that's gaining new insights in your field, scaling a project, or launching a startup.

A strong network enables quicker access to resources, offers a deeper understanding of our market dynamics, improves creativity, increases quality, opens opportunities, accelerates problem-solving, enhances our reputation, and ultimately increases our resilience.

XPLORERS is continuously building its platform community, so that any Growth Leader can join our Training Program and quickly rise their own core community around their purpose.

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Neutralize Mistrust.

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Engineer your Network.

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Access trustworthy

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Cut the Noise.

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Grow Learning Resources

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Your time is precious. That's why we focus on quality over quantity, showcasing only community-curated spaces and content that align with your preferences.

Space owners will provide niche insights in exchange for your active feedback or contributions. They have exclusive control over who can see and access their community, based on profile information.

Our spaces offer a variety of topic discovery formats, from micro-learning to masterclasses, all featuring cutting-edge e-learning tools such as interactive videos, e-books, newsletters, quizzes, surveys, live classes, and webinars.

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Currently in closed Beta, XPLORERS® is sponsored by AETHER. This sponsorship actively supports engineers on their path to Growth Leadership, whether their ambition is to become a renowned tech topic expert, a formidably effective industrial project manager, or a lean tech entrepreneur.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

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