Choose your Passport level


  • Access to free Growth Spaces that matches your engineer profile
  • Access to  private group activities, including online discussions, newsletters, webinars and events
  • Contribute to community surveys 
  • Advanced note taking to track key insights from your Growth Spaces


Everything for Pioneers, plus:
  • Unlimited access to all paid content and events


For Engineering students enrolled in a higher education institution or a university. (*)
12€ total, Billed once.
Everything for Visionaries, plus:
  • 48 hours free trial (cancel option)
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(*) Currently limited to Belgium only.


Everything for Explorers, plus:
  • Create your own Space with AI support
  • Manage your Space members
  • Targeted visibility in our networks
  • Promotion on social networks
  • Add qualification surveys and assesments
  • Advanced sequential learning path
  • Create interactive videos
  • Protected videos and documents (stamps)
  • SCORM & HTML5 compliant for professional e-learning content
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Some content, events, and services might be available as standalone premium options.

Main Benefits

Explore, Connect, Achieve

Proactive Community

XPLORERS is committed to building a prosocial community of like-minded professionals. This offers project owners the chance to root in purpose, branch out their knowledge, and nurture connections, which is essential for personal growth and professional networking.

Exclusive Networking

XPLORERS leverages an intelligent matchmaking environment to offer project owners private and sophisticated networking opportunities. Or platform and services are designed to enable project owners to efficiently expand their professional network, find stakeholders, and engage with potential mentors or collaborators who can have a transformative impact on their projects and career trajectory.

Enhanced Micro-Learning

XPLORERS integrates a micro-learning framework that offers project owners swift and efficient insights into complex topics, tailored for the fast-paced demands of the engineering field. These micro-lessons are crafted to not only provide knowledge but also to facilitate connections with subject matter experts within the community, fostering a dynamic and collaborative learning environment.

Access to Expert-Level AI Assistance

We work towards giving access to advanced AI tools that are based on expert-validated databases, which augment domain-specific knowledge and support decision-making processes. These tools are designed with stringent access controls to maintain professional value.